If aliens land it's not going to be "We come in peace". More like " What the F*** did you do to this planet?!"

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Jul 12Liked by Neko Case

I’m in Houston TX. This storm hit us as a cat 1 head on Monday before moving on to y’all. There are still 1 mil of us without power and numerous trees lost life and limb. Sending all the love to y’all in this recovery. This earth and what we’ve done to her weighs heavy on me. ❤️❤️

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I’m a Houstonian, too. Luckily I’ve been in the Seattle area and missed Beryl, but many friends are being very impacted by it. We didn’t lose power, so we were able to open our house for a friend who needed it. (Coming back to Houston on Monday.)

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I’ve been lucky. An out of town friend got power back so able to encamp in her home. It’s all about community in times like these by the infrastructure is so precarious.

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It sure is! All the best to you.

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Cant share pics here but was just looking at a chart about how criminally malfeasant the Texas GOP has been in staffing statr government offices since ‘04. In 20

years the state population has grown 38% yet the State Employee headcount is lower than in 2004!

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Such a shocking realisation that a soul so close perished. I will gather a few Oz dollars to the fund. Stay safe on that cool porch Neko. If only we could wake up and pull together for climate like Vermonters do in the wake of a calamity. Indigenous peoples here are leading the way in so many projects with good scientists on board.

Stay calm Coco.❤️

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The RNC descends upon our city tomorrow like a flood. Many people have left for the week to avoid being here. I hate it. But many of us are going to show up and show that we do not agree with their platform of hate. That LOVE WINS.

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Love: the freest, cleanest fuel that regenerates itself… ❤️💙💜💙❤️

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Dude...what in the absolute hell is going on in Vermont? It was an idyllic weather paradise until the floods came...over and over and over again. The state holds precious memories for me...safe memories...like a warm green blanket. Now that blanket needs a break. I'm in Southern NH sweltering. 3 days of 90...it happens...8 and climbing? Nope! The only weather guru I believe (neuro spicy!) predicts this will continue into August. I'm melting. Terribly sad that no one believes this is our doing. Cheers to your sweet neighbor who gave his life to help another. We should all be so selfless.

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I’m so sorry about your neighbor :(

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I love your porch. I wish I could enjoy it with you. I love Vermont. I'm from NH, but living in Southern California. I miss New England so much. Thanks for sharing your small corner of it with us.

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ASMR for me reality for Dennis n you all.

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Oh Neko, I know why are we so callous as we race along to disaster. I am so sorry about your neighbor. Thanks for this post.

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We had tornados in new York. I'm astounded it was still that bad once it got to Vermont. 😬

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Neko ~ I am so sorry to hear about your neighbor ~ he surely had a great, big heart.

I am glad to know you are surrounded by such a beautiful community, and that you are safe.

My version of prayer for all of it, everything ~ go out across the water.

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Dennis may look all chill and aloof but make no mistake, that guy is grateful to have a nice home.

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Re: climate change, one thing our family does is use wren.co to offset our carbon output. Yep, not a full solution, but is one easy way for people to help move the needle.

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So sorry to hear about your neighbor. :-(

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