Slinky and Stroopwafel!!! You made my week with this post ❤️🙏

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I hear contented sighs drifting across the globe, home sweet home.

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I cherish my Dear Deer residents. I was sitting on my front porch head down in some contemplative reading during my Sunday afternoon when I took a pause, looked up and three Deers were hanging in the yard. That never gets old. So grateful for Nature’s wonders. I truly enjoy your work and connectedness with Nature, it helps in learning to communicate with Mother Earth and her natural universal rhythms and flows. Appreciate you! Welcome relaxing into home. ✌🏼

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You are so fortunate to have this inspiring venue. Definitely wonder worthy. My wife and I moved into town a couple years back. We miss the peace, quiet and natural beautisimousness ;-)> of our old place. I do not miss the 28 acres of chores.

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thanks for the deer & fawn report, a delight to read....

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I find too, that the pickle jar along w/a cubby hole on porch= CAN also be the best thinking spot/observation roost…when it leads to THOUGHTS like this

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Nice post, Neko. Thank you for that. I, too, have a doe and young fawn near to my chair of choice. Life is good. Welcome home.

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Well, I guess that thunderhead was a prelude to adventure, eh? Here’s hoping your community and your farmstead have come through the floods relatively intact.

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Thank goodness you were there to capture all this to share with us, Neko! Thank you. Hoping Mom and Stroopwafel stay safe and hydrated this summer.

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Ps I heard I wish I was the Moon in a movie a couple of months ago and shot straight up at attention. I had no idea it was coming, a movie I fell upon while TV/netflix grazing and knew it was you with the first note. I felt a wash of pride and immediate warmth with my well honed recognition of your music. So much so that I fail to even recall which movie now!

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May all the fury and grace of Mother Earth keep you, yours, and Slinky and hers safe with all the storms and flooding in VT!!

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reading about Slinky's graceful-herky-jerky visit, Magritte's The Blank Signature came to my mind's eye

my love~r and i spend our evenings on the balcony watching the sunset and waiting for the sounds of Mr. Hoover's (our name for the hedgehogs quartet we started feeding, and watering, 4 years ago) munching - and pretending that humanity does not exist

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Well, that’s spectacular. I also now have porch view envy. Slinky and Stroop sounds like a pretty bad ass crime-fighting tv show too.

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Thunder cleanses!

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‘Stroopwaffel’ ❤️

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Slinky & Stroopwafel, I love that. They sound so cute. I saw a mama deer with two fawns in my back yard last week. I live in the middle of Baltimore City, so I always feel incredibly blessed to see wildlife.

I envy you for your porch, Neko! It sounds perfect.

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PS I was watching an episode of Veronica Mars season 3 last night and they spelled your name wrong in the subtitles when the character was talking about music he loves. I said, "HEY!" (to my cats, who were also watching it, but cannot read).

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