Apr 24Liked by Neko Case

I love this prompt. Delightful small things that gave me feels: awkward fledglings that behave like tiny drunks, a squirrel hauling ass and escaping my old dog, crows fussing like an out of control family reunion, the 3 am cackle of a coyote pups in the den a block away, relentless but colorful weeds, the magical daily growth of my budding plants that will probably have their driver’s license by end of week. And fuck a slash and burn tree cutting millionaire trash basket.

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Honestly the photo on Instagram of the Toronto garbage can with the hockey stick made me LOL. Thank you for that- don’t know if anything encapsulated my city so perfectly.

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100% It was a perfect photo.

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You might have a song in there. That's how the creative mind works.

The best thing I saw in the golden hour light

were piles of red apples in the center

of the highway the semi hauling them tipped over

They looked like a priceless treasure

but I worried for the deer who will surely risk their lives to eat them

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Recently, on the ground outside my apartment complex, there were a bunch of oversized dominoes strewn about the street. Six to eight inches long apiece, if not more. I think they were made of rubber. I have no idea how they got there, or where they went.

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I'm very habitual. I have the same fermented pea protein shake for breakfast every morning. Among other things, I put blueberries in it. Looking forward to washing the blueberry bowl is the thing that gets me going some mornings. I love to watch the water change color in the bowl. The blueberry stains are red - a bit to the purple side of blood red - but the more the remnants get diluted by water running into the bowl, the more blue the water turns, until it has just the slightest tinge of green to it. Its not just the saturation of color that changes - it actually morphs from red to blue. That fascinates me and never gets old. I pay close attention to it every day.

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Found in a park in Sacramento two weeks ago- at the bottom of a tree, a tiny ladder that went to a former hole now covered with a tiny door. It still makes me smile.

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Gosh, that was so beautifully written. I’ve had a rough go of it this past week, but I’m going to look more carefully for these small details. Thanks for the inspiration.

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Poets see amazing details in what most of us miss in our rush to find "success."

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I was just going to say, this post makes me think how this is part of the service that artists and storytellers provide. Noticing what others miss and reminding us to slow down and care about it.

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Delightful small detail? If a green lawn is the entirety, then clover is the detail. I dropped clover seeds all over my yard last fall. I had forgotten I did it. Tiny clovers everywhere. One cannot discern them from more than a step or 2 away. I'm not familiar with this variety, the leaves are so very petite. If it goes well I expect my yard to be carpeted with them.

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You are such an inspiration, beautiful girl. I'd love for you to check out my blog as well... Press PLAY & LET me read it to YOU. ONLY LOVE, you gorgeous creature ⭐

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I was listening to you on You Tube - Neko Case (Fall Tour 2018, Live from the Palace Theatre for The Current) - when your latest observations landed on the mailbox. Drive safely and sing beautifully - as always.

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I love the weird powerlines along the 10 - that drive up to Montreal has been such a huge part of my life.

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Too exhausted to say much except I miss reading your stacks on time because I have bought so many subscriptions that the She/Sir music I am listening to is my Big Medicine.

I lost my parents young and it’s fine because I was so lucky I could cry ~ Francesco and Helen were poor in $$$ ~ Rich in all else ~ which they gave us 7 kids.

I am 7th and Do feel Lucky.

I miss reading you She/Sir ~ I see that you are as fine an Author as you are a Musician.

Thanks for everything.

I only caught you live Twice so far ~ Pomona best Concert I ever attended.

I am older and when I was young and poor I spent any extra cash on books or vinyl.

That’s why I am grateful to have been Saved from trappings of Stupid Money ~ Thanks Neko.

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Our neighborhood turkey has finally returned after several months away. She brought with her a juvenile. I have missed her a lot and worried that she had suffered some terrible fate. But she is back! My husband just texted me a photo of her in the neighbors front yard as I’m out of town.I don’t know why I love her so, but I do. Looking for her and finding her brings me deep joy.

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Hi Neko, it is our second trip to Melbourne in the space of a week, The funeral last week wasnt planned but this was, we took (in the Robert Frost spirit) a road less travelled by. Wonderful Eucalypt forest forming avenues over the road and emus in the paddocks with sheep. The detail in the clouds fascinates us as we speed along. Half collapsed timber shacks hint at ghosts and people moving on.

I love the way the sun forms lattice work shadows on the road ahead. The rural areas here are succumbing to the suburban sprawl as we expand our clumsy footprint. It also makes me think of the first people here and their voices under the stars.

Safe travels Friend N

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Spring blooms!

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