
THANK YOU! for all your lovely comments. They mean a lot to me.

Also, let me answer a couple questions...

1. There will be an audio book and sadly, I will read it. I wanted George Sanders but he died when I was two.

2. YES to you folks ordering through you folks ordering through your local and/or indy book stores.

3. As far as the "Cart" emptiness issue some of you are experiencing tech is looking into it. Thanks for your patience and sorry about that.

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I have pre-ordered the hardback because i have been a bibliophile since my Fantastico Ma, Helen (is that a beautiful name or What?) pushed me up offa and outta her, and yet, since you are speaking your memoir, i am getting self hence to preorder the audio ad well.

My frickin retirement pension is paid by the effin DoD … wish i didn’t need it but i do ~ i spend the extra as beautifully and sub-verse-ably as i can ~ thanks Neko.

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***I have no idea how I said "you folks" twice in a row. I suppose that's the magic of NyQuil?

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only the original green ~ the cherry definitely doesn’t have the same magickal properties ~

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Jun 5Liked by Neko Case

Félicitations!! Book tour! Book tour! Book tour!

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I’ve never preordered a book SO HARD!

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Right? My fingers couldn't fly fast enough.

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I don’t read books (ADHD), but I’ll try to read yours. May the NyQuil guide your mighty pen.

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I used to devour them, but I've only been able to read a couple of books for...a while now. Also ADHD. I'm definitely going to try, and if not, I'm going to try the audiobook!

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I cannot WAIT! Huge congratulations -- writing a book is fucking hard dude. xoxo

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I am in excellent physical shape and now I likely will become somewhat more risk-averse so i don’t accidentally die before publication ~ 👀 🥳😬💯👻

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What a title!

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Congratulations - man, this must feel so good to hold in your hands! So excited for you! Can't wait to read it. xoxoxo

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Jun 5Liked by Neko Case

Drink two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in half a cup of water, rinse your mouth out well, and gargle three times (regular tap water is fine but warm salt water will feel better). STAT!!!

Love yer baby bird hands.

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Jun 5Liked by Neko Case

Oh man, I got choked up reading this post. That book cover just guts me. I'm so happy for you, Neko! Congratulations!

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Jun 5Liked by Neko Case

Oooh, how exciting! Congratulations! xx

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Jun 5Liked by Neko Case

Inspired and grateful! Congratulations! Now take it easy and feel 100% better soon. 💗

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Feel better, Neko! I can't wait to read your book. xox

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Jun 5Liked by Neko Case

I'm on it right away in Australia and very excited in anticipation.

Hope the lurgy you have recedes like a king tide, leaving you healthy and happy.

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Congratulations!!! How can I help spread the word!

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Congrats! Can't wait to see it and will ping your publicist to get a galley........FEEL BETTER.

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