Well, I no longer have a piece of IUD embedded in my uterus. Huge thanks to my doctor and her assistants. There were so many risks! And if I wasn’t privileged enough to pay for insurance I would have had to suffer a THIRD painful metal-pronged dig-around through my VERY TINY cervix without anesthesia. People with “female” parts go through living Hell to not get pregnant. I know the vast majority of heterosexual men in range do not hear me, or anyone. I don’t know how to make men care? “Care” does not mean to go “aw, that sucks” when apprised of the situation. Caring is looking into AND doing something to forward reproductive health so it is in your hands and your BODY also, not just ours. So here is a very real question; How do we get heterosexual men to empathize, process, care and get on our team as people with uteruses and other such choice bits?
I have asked this question before and I’m going to keep asking it until I get a suitable answer or suggestion from the experts; Men. I want to know you. I actually love you. I’m part man myself but I’ve still had no luck. My question is not sarcastic, mean, or dismissive. It IS blunt and rude-sounding but here we are. I don’t mean it that way. If we were in Medieval times I’d go “M’lord, might I speak plainly?” and you’d go “yes, commence.”
It’s for the good of everyone after all. Answers not acceptable are “Don’t come at me all mad…” This is an emergency. We are in the lifeboat and have no time for “please and thank you” as we have been screaming into the abyss for some time now. I just had the tyne of a fork pulled out of my innards yesterday. I don’t feel polite. My bluntness is me meeting you on the level with respect AND urgency. Take note. We are all suffering.
Me flipping America the bird with the hand that just had a REALLY expensive needle shoved in the top vein. Fuck this nonsense! And don’t forget Columbus! FUCK Columbus!
I went out and got a Vasectomy all on my own. Nobody had to even ask me! 2 quick snips and it was all done. No problems since. Girlfriend at the time called me a sports model. All for fun and pleasure lol. (Trust me I am not a sports model.) Frankly I am surprised more guys don't go get this done given how easy it was. No pills with weird hormones. No invasive endoscopic surgery. Took less than 30 minutes and a day of slight discomfort with an ice bag.
Thank you for making words and sentences in cases where my articulation dissolves into impotent rage spluttering