I went out and got a Vasectomy all on my own. Nobody had to even ask me! 2 quick snips and it was all done. No problems since. Girlfriend at the time called me a sports model. All for fun and pleasure lol. (Trust me I am not a sports model.) Frankly I am surprised more guys don't go get this done given how easy it was. No pills with weird hormones. No invasive endoscopic surgery. Took less than 30 minutes and a day of slight discomfort with an ice bag.
Also my point isn't to brag. Its more a public service announcement for the guys out there! So Hey guys! It really is relatively easy and painless thing to do! And the humans you are intimate with who have female biological bits will greatly appreciate you for it!
Thanks Chris, your post is a very helpful and would be valuable for young men to hear. I have heard some men comment to others about their vasectomies that were not positive, and scared other men unintentionally. I don't recall a single educational discussion as a young male where this option was discussed, nor were there frank talks about contraception. What you learned, was learned on a schoolbus (much of it wrong). A lot of men don't have adult males in their lives who can pass on accurate, helpful knowledge. Also, Americans' distaste for having adult discussions about sex also creates an education vacuum. Some men take pride in procreation, and some religions prohibiting contraception that further complicate. Personal accountabiliy is an important factor, too.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
I advocate for it for people who's situation it would be a good fit for. I would think it is common sense if you plan on having kids, this isn't the method you are going to want. You may want to discuss with your partner. My point is a lot of men this option immediately goes off the table out of fear. And it shouldn't.
My trans son has female biological bits down there and he's not called a woman. You should never assume. Just ask a person what they want to be referred to as. It is just being polite and courteous.
This is why I'm glad to have you talking about this. Vasectomy isn't for everyone either. I get that it's scary to some folks. That is so legitimate. Considering where I have been poked and cut I get it! I wan't to know all the other reasons people don't get them too, like being worried someone won't want you because you may not want to have kids, a very real worry for all genders making that decision. Or just not having the full scoop on what it entails. If we can have boner pills there's no reason we shouldn't have good birth control for men beyond condoms and vasectomies too. We are all shorted and even endangered by this.
From what I understand reverse vasectomy is also a thing that doesn't get mentioned much. Vasectomy is not an aboslute end to reproduction.. necessarily. Lets learn and share. Thanks for opening up this discussion Neko.
In my case I was 30 and just got divorced after ten years and 2 kids. At the time I was dating and not marriage minded. It came up in my own mind as I was wrestling with what I wanted post divorce. I did not want more kids because of my own life experiences and a variety of reasons. I was worried if I had more kids with somebody else my kids might think they were not as important. I wanted to focus on the two I had and be able to time and finance wise support them better than my divorced parents did. I was also concerned about being able to afford more children. I 100% knew I didn't want any more kids. Frankly a lot of my reasoning in those days was driven by childhood traumas of one kind or another and making sure they didn't happen to my own children or me again. (I have in the intervening years gotten YEARS of therapy for this.) The GF at the time hated birth control pills for a variety of reasons. So it seemed like a good idea. So it was a combination of reasons for myself and the person at the time. And I have never regretted it. I was always upfront about it with anybody I dated when the sex started. So no deception.
I think some people don't realize that reverse vasectomies are successful and easy to do. I've thought for years that the idea all males should be given vasectomies in their early teens (with no choice in the matter) and not have them reversed until they and their future partners are mature and really ready to care for a child could be the norm. Of course that won't happen, but it would certainly work.
My (cis/hetero/male) person has been entirely responsible for birth control for the whole of our union, since I have health complications barring me from using anything hormonal, and I had heard too many horror stories about placement/loss/problems/pain to try a non-hormonal IUD. He was on board with condoms, then a vasectomy, and we've been at it for 14 years or so. I am very grateful to be with an exception. The 16 or so sexually active years of protection before dating him were all on me, and it was an expensive, annoying, painful, occasionally humiliating burden. I feel you on all of this. Ejaculate responsibly, my dudes.
I am still wrapping my mind around the idea that all of this is done without being automatically drugged to the hilt, unless you have the means to pay extra. In a lot of cases, you have to beg even if you do have the money. It's fucking barbaric, and no one can tell me differently. Women are expected to endure pain that would send any man - hell, ANY HUMAN BEING - to their knees, and do it politely, without making too much of a fuss. I once had a gyno (A WOMAN!) tell me there were "no nerves in the cervix" when I complained about a pap smear being painful. This was 20 or so years ago, and it has been roundly debunked, but the idea of that still blows my mind.
I hope you feel better super soon. Eat ice cream and swear about it. Complain loudly. You earned it.
Things are not supposed to be forced in or out of a cervix - unless you’re having a baby and that STILL hurts - and our bodies appropriately react. A friend of mine insta-vomited getting her IUD inserted, nearly blacked out, and could barely walk back to her car. They told her to take a Tylenol. I can’t.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
Local is a joke. Might help numb up the cervix a little, but is no help whatsoever when your uterus figures out what is happening and clamps down like a mutherfucker saying “NO! NO! NO!! Get that shit outta me!!!”. I have often been called in by my docs to be the hand-holder distraction person to tell stories about my cats to comfort patients. The struggle is fucking ridiculously real!! I hate that those of us with Gyn parts are expected to just take it. I scream from the rooftops on the regular!
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
I think all our answers to how to solve patriarchy are with Bell Hooks: especially "The Will to Change: Men, masculinity and love". If we can get everyone to read that, it would change the world. Also as a man with a uterus I feel your pain! Not for nothing but maybe if more men had uteri that would also help!
I feel very fortunate in that I am both queer and old (over the menopause Rubicon). Even though the possibility of getting pregnant would have been remote, I feel like I dodged a bullet by reaching the crone stage before SCOTUS got swirlied in the alt-right toilet (while I know that what you are talking about is more nuanced than simply whether abortion is legal, I feel like the governmental signals regarding uterus owners' right to have sex when they want without their bodies being policed probably has an impact on medical professionals' collective attitude about how they administer health "care" to said uterus owners - including prioritizing the comfort of their patients). I extend great empathy and compassion to all of you who still have to grapple with the specter of unwanted pregnancy in a country that wants to vilify you for it. I feel like, being as old as I am, I should have wise words to offer you, Neko, as an answer to your question, but I do not. All I can do is offer you my sincere wish that we could find a way to make everything about reproductive health more equitable and compassionate. And lastly, Dudes! Get a fucking vasectomy already! And really lastly, Yeah! Fuck Off, Columbus, I'm celebrating Indigenous People Day!
Honestly, Neko my king, I hold out minimal hope of getting cis men to care, at scale, about the needs and struggles of anybody else. (And I pointedly did not say *cishet* men; I’m including Queer cis men of all flavors in this critique.)
The only way people who are privileged on a given axis truly start to care about the concerns of those marginalized on that same axis, is when it comes home to directly affect someone they love—and not even always then. We probably need massive quantities of the gender-marginalized to directly be confronting the cis men in our lives about our struggles and experiences, up close and personal, on an extremely regular basis.
Otherwise it’s too easy for cis men, like any privileged group, to wave away the randomly selected bits and pieces they incidentally hear about as something far away or not that big a deal.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
I am a white, middle-aged man. cisgender, married who grew up in an middle class suburb and now lives in a white middle class suburb.
I was a trial lawyer for 30 years. For the last 15 I ran a civil rights practice where I came to understand the racist, patriarchal, shitshow our society is and how much trauma it creates.
A key lesson I have learned is that the patriarchy and white supremacy are baked into our government and legal system, educational system, and medical system.
This causes catastrophic pain for many women, LGBT, minorities
To speak to your question, the trauma of your the medical procedure you describe makes me feel me sad and ashamed.
My privileged status allows me to see the oppression in the system from the inside.
Like Ken in the Barbie movie I realized that the patriarchy is morally wrong and harms everyone. To answer your question in a few words,
Don't waste your time on shame :) You should come claim what patriarchy is taking away from you too! Your voice is often worth three of ours. It helps! Get loud.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
As a heterosexual man, I can tell you it's about education. It should start with the awkward 7th grade sex ed classes that probably no longer happen in red states, and we should go on learning about reproductive health the rest of our lives. After you're educated on the basics, the next step is caring. Actually giving a shit about reproductive health and rights, especially at the ballot box. Supporting Planned Parenthood is a nice place to start.
Of course, you've got to take responsibility for your reproductive choices first and foremost. Some guys get vasectomies. All guys should wear condoms. Sadly, science hasn't offered guys more options for controlling reproduction. That and the consequences of pregnancy being tilted in the direction of women make it an unbalanced equation with women bearing the burden of protecting against unwanted pregnancy and using birth control. It's not right, nor is it fair.
If a guy doesn't support views like these, he needs to learn. We all have a stake in reproductive freedoms. They are under threat and likely always will be. There will always be people who want to take away our freedoms. It's up to us to not let them.
Oh, and fuck that wrong way, genocidal asshole Columbus.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
Agreed, we are lulled into inaction through some sort of minimum balance where enough of the dominant culture feels comfortable enough to maintain the status quo. We have a pretty amazing capacity to adapt and can put up with an incredible amount of bullshit. The current system, will squeeze that capacity further and further, which ends up meaning those in power are doing the squeezing and women are getting forcibly screwed, literally and figuratively. I wish I had an answer. As a relatively normie white male, I'm trying to continue to learn and do.
To speak more specifically to this issue, it is totally fucked to have health care, especially women's health care, tied to profit-driven private corporations. This insane system in the US hurts everyone except those lucky enough not to get sick--and you were lucky enough not to get sick if you were lucky enough to be born in a situation with some positive social determinants for health. Or lucky enough not to identify as female. A more equitable health care system would be a good start, but we cannot even agree on continuing to fund the government. It's a sad civic state in this country and honestly we are preaching to the choir in this comments section. It's gonna be friggin' tough.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
I am regularly appalled by how willing doctors are to perform procedures that they know will be painful on fully conscious women. It’s comparable to torture. It makes me furious. I have a procedure coming up and I am so grateful that they will be putting me under GA!
Good for insisting they do that. We also used to circumcise little babies with no pain killers. I guess they thought babies didn't feel pain even though they were screaming. Humans are really unbelievable at times.
Love you! Fuck this American “health” care hellscape and fuck every Dr who dismisses our pain and every company who profits from and even encourages our unwellness! Also Bodily Autonomy for all!
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
As a male boomer, I am ashamed of my brethren who believe that birth control is the responsibility of the woman. I would've believed that by living through the age of social change, that they'd see things in a more enlightened way.
Unfortunately, too many of my generation have devolved into a red movement pushing for a return to 1950, before America lost a war, when women knew their place (and shut up about it), and the brown people stayed in their own neighborhoods. Cretins!
I have always used condoms and got a vasectomy as soon as I knew I didn't want to have children. (The planet doesn't need any more of us, IMHO.)
I cannot speak for others of my generation. I don't understand so many of them.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We need a culture change, and some of that starts with folks sharing these stories. I was conditioned to never mention women's issues to men, because I don't know- they'd be grossed out? I'm grossed out, too! Bodies are weird and that's okay. Anyway, in 2019 when my body ejected my IUD in theatrically bloody fashion, that conditioning worked against me big time. I asked my husband to drive me to the ER- and the only reason he took me was because I don't ever get medical treatment until things get terrible. Prior to that moment, he thought I was exaggerating about how bad things had gotten. I would demonstrate the size of the blood clots with my fist (they were that big!), but that meant nothing to him as a man who had come from a similar "don't share women's issues with men" upbringing. So yeah, fuck all of those old school teachings.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
Women’s Health Care is everyone’s responsibility. The fact society continues to treat women as second class citizens in 2023 makes me so GD mad. And in America it’s getting worse instead of better?!? And yes FUCK Columbus!
FUCK YOU AND YOUR JEWISH GOD . . . We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
I went out and got a Vasectomy all on my own. Nobody had to even ask me! 2 quick snips and it was all done. No problems since. Girlfriend at the time called me a sports model. All for fun and pleasure lol. (Trust me I am not a sports model.) Frankly I am surprised more guys don't go get this done given how easy it was. No pills with weird hormones. No invasive endoscopic surgery. Took less than 30 minutes and a day of slight discomfort with an ice bag.
Thank you
Also my point isn't to brag. Its more a public service announcement for the guys out there! So Hey guys! It really is relatively easy and painless thing to do! And the humans you are intimate with who have female biological bits will greatly appreciate you for it!
Thanks Chris, your post is a very helpful and would be valuable for young men to hear. I have heard some men comment to others about their vasectomies that were not positive, and scared other men unintentionally. I don't recall a single educational discussion as a young male where this option was discussed, nor were there frank talks about contraception. What you learned, was learned on a schoolbus (much of it wrong). A lot of men don't have adult males in their lives who can pass on accurate, helpful knowledge. Also, Americans' distaste for having adult discussions about sex also creates an education vacuum. Some men take pride in procreation, and some religions prohibiting contraception that further complicate. Personal accountabiliy is an important factor, too.
This is the kinda stuff I wanna hear! Thanks you guys!
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
I already had two kids by a prior marriage so that cat was out of the bag. lol
TERF blocked.
Nope. Git.
Never return
I advocate for it for people who's situation it would be a good fit for. I would think it is common sense if you plan on having kids, this isn't the method you are going to want. You may want to discuss with your partner. My point is a lot of men this option immediately goes off the table out of fear. And it shouldn't.
My trans son has female biological bits down there and he's not called a woman. You should never assume. Just ask a person what they want to be referred to as. It is just being polite and courteous.
This is why I'm glad to have you talking about this. Vasectomy isn't for everyone either. I get that it's scary to some folks. That is so legitimate. Considering where I have been poked and cut I get it! I wan't to know all the other reasons people don't get them too, like being worried someone won't want you because you may not want to have kids, a very real worry for all genders making that decision. Or just not having the full scoop on what it entails. If we can have boner pills there's no reason we shouldn't have good birth control for men beyond condoms and vasectomies too. We are all shorted and even endangered by this.
From what I understand reverse vasectomy is also a thing that doesn't get mentioned much. Vasectomy is not an aboslute end to reproduction.. necessarily. Lets learn and share. Thanks for opening up this discussion Neko.
In my case I was 30 and just got divorced after ten years and 2 kids. At the time I was dating and not marriage minded. It came up in my own mind as I was wrestling with what I wanted post divorce. I did not want more kids because of my own life experiences and a variety of reasons. I was worried if I had more kids with somebody else my kids might think they were not as important. I wanted to focus on the two I had and be able to time and finance wise support them better than my divorced parents did. I was also concerned about being able to afford more children. I 100% knew I didn't want any more kids. Frankly a lot of my reasoning in those days was driven by childhood traumas of one kind or another and making sure they didn't happen to my own children or me again. (I have in the intervening years gotten YEARS of therapy for this.) The GF at the time hated birth control pills for a variety of reasons. So it seemed like a good idea. So it was a combination of reasons for myself and the person at the time. And I have never regretted it. I was always upfront about it with anybody I dated when the sex started. So no deception.
I think some people don't realize that reverse vasectomies are successful and easy to do. I've thought for years that the idea all males should be given vasectomies in their early teens (with no choice in the matter) and not have them reversed until they and their future partners are mature and really ready to care for a child could be the norm. Of course that won't happen, but it would certainly work.
Thank you for making words and sentences in cases where my articulation dissolves into impotent rage spluttering
fellow impotent rage sputterer here
My (cis/hetero/male) person has been entirely responsible for birth control for the whole of our union, since I have health complications barring me from using anything hormonal, and I had heard too many horror stories about placement/loss/problems/pain to try a non-hormonal IUD. He was on board with condoms, then a vasectomy, and we've been at it for 14 years or so. I am very grateful to be with an exception. The 16 or so sexually active years of protection before dating him were all on me, and it was an expensive, annoying, painful, occasionally humiliating burden. I feel you on all of this. Ejaculate responsibly, my dudes.
I am still wrapping my mind around the idea that all of this is done without being automatically drugged to the hilt, unless you have the means to pay extra. In a lot of cases, you have to beg even if you do have the money. It's fucking barbaric, and no one can tell me differently. Women are expected to endure pain that would send any man - hell, ANY HUMAN BEING - to their knees, and do it politely, without making too much of a fuss. I once had a gyno (A WOMAN!) tell me there were "no nerves in the cervix" when I complained about a pap smear being painful. This was 20 or so years ago, and it has been roundly debunked, but the idea of that still blows my mind.
I hope you feel better super soon. Eat ice cream and swear about it. Complain loudly. You earned it.
The second time I got a local but it was still too painful.
Things are not supposed to be forced in or out of a cervix - unless you’re having a baby and that STILL hurts - and our bodies appropriately react. A friend of mine insta-vomited getting her IUD inserted, nearly blacked out, and could barely walk back to her car. They told her to take a Tylenol. I can’t.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
Local is a joke. Might help numb up the cervix a little, but is no help whatsoever when your uterus figures out what is happening and clamps down like a mutherfucker saying “NO! NO! NO!! Get that shit outta me!!!”. I have often been called in by my docs to be the hand-holder distraction person to tell stories about my cats to comfort patients. The struggle is fucking ridiculously real!! I hate that those of us with Gyn parts are expected to just take it. I scream from the rooftops on the regular!
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
I think all our answers to how to solve patriarchy are with Bell Hooks: especially "The Will to Change: Men, masculinity and love". If we can get everyone to read that, it would change the world. Also as a man with a uterus I feel your pain! Not for nothing but maybe if more men had uteri that would also help!
Indeed with Bell Hooks!
I feel very fortunate in that I am both queer and old (over the menopause Rubicon). Even though the possibility of getting pregnant would have been remote, I feel like I dodged a bullet by reaching the crone stage before SCOTUS got swirlied in the alt-right toilet (while I know that what you are talking about is more nuanced than simply whether abortion is legal, I feel like the governmental signals regarding uterus owners' right to have sex when they want without their bodies being policed probably has an impact on medical professionals' collective attitude about how they administer health "care" to said uterus owners - including prioritizing the comfort of their patients). I extend great empathy and compassion to all of you who still have to grapple with the specter of unwanted pregnancy in a country that wants to vilify you for it. I feel like, being as old as I am, I should have wise words to offer you, Neko, as an answer to your question, but I do not. All I can do is offer you my sincere wish that we could find a way to make everything about reproductive health more equitable and compassionate. And lastly, Dudes! Get a fucking vasectomy already! And really lastly, Yeah! Fuck Off, Columbus, I'm celebrating Indigenous People Day!
Honestly, Neko my king, I hold out minimal hope of getting cis men to care, at scale, about the needs and struggles of anybody else. (And I pointedly did not say *cishet* men; I’m including Queer cis men of all flavors in this critique.)
The only way people who are privileged on a given axis truly start to care about the concerns of those marginalized on that same axis, is when it comes home to directly affect someone they love—and not even always then. We probably need massive quantities of the gender-marginalized to directly be confronting the cis men in our lives about our struggles and experiences, up close and personal, on an extremely regular basis.
Otherwise it’s too easy for cis men, like any privileged group, to wave away the randomly selected bits and pieces they incidentally hear about as something far away or not that big a deal.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
we get it you’re a hardcore N@zi
Fuck you and your Jewish god.
I struggle with this issue greatly.
I am a white, middle-aged man. cisgender, married who grew up in an middle class suburb and now lives in a white middle class suburb.
I was a trial lawyer for 30 years. For the last 15 I ran a civil rights practice where I came to understand the racist, patriarchal, shitshow our society is and how much trauma it creates.
A key lesson I have learned is that the patriarchy and white supremacy are baked into our government and legal system, educational system, and medical system.
This causes catastrophic pain for many women, LGBT, minorities
To speak to your question, the trauma of your the medical procedure you describe makes me feel me sad and ashamed.
My privileged status allows me to see the oppression in the system from the inside.
Like Ken in the Barbie movie I realized that the patriarchy is morally wrong and harms everyone. To answer your question in a few words,
Don't waste your time on shame :) You should come claim what patriarchy is taking away from you too! Your voice is often worth three of ours. It helps! Get loud.
Sorry. Posted before I was done.
I will say no more but to say I’m sorry you have to go through this and I hope you feel better.
I have a podcast called “How to be Man”. I won’t attach a link but check it out
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
As a heterosexual man, I can tell you it's about education. It should start with the awkward 7th grade sex ed classes that probably no longer happen in red states, and we should go on learning about reproductive health the rest of our lives. After you're educated on the basics, the next step is caring. Actually giving a shit about reproductive health and rights, especially at the ballot box. Supporting Planned Parenthood is a nice place to start.
Of course, you've got to take responsibility for your reproductive choices first and foremost. Some guys get vasectomies. All guys should wear condoms. Sadly, science hasn't offered guys more options for controlling reproduction. That and the consequences of pregnancy being tilted in the direction of women make it an unbalanced equation with women bearing the burden of protecting against unwanted pregnancy and using birth control. It's not right, nor is it fair.
If a guy doesn't support views like these, he needs to learn. We all have a stake in reproductive freedoms. They are under threat and likely always will be. There will always be people who want to take away our freedoms. It's up to us to not let them.
Oh, and fuck that wrong way, genocidal asshole Columbus.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
Agreed, we are lulled into inaction through some sort of minimum balance where enough of the dominant culture feels comfortable enough to maintain the status quo. We have a pretty amazing capacity to adapt and can put up with an incredible amount of bullshit. The current system, will squeeze that capacity further and further, which ends up meaning those in power are doing the squeezing and women are getting forcibly screwed, literally and figuratively. I wish I had an answer. As a relatively normie white male, I'm trying to continue to learn and do.
To speak more specifically to this issue, it is totally fucked to have health care, especially women's health care, tied to profit-driven private corporations. This insane system in the US hurts everyone except those lucky enough not to get sick--and you were lucky enough not to get sick if you were lucky enough to be born in a situation with some positive social determinants for health. Or lucky enough not to identify as female. A more equitable health care system would be a good start, but we cannot even agree on continuing to fund the government. It's a sad civic state in this country and honestly we are preaching to the choir in this comments section. It's gonna be friggin' tough.
Still, I have hope.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
I am regularly appalled by how willing doctors are to perform procedures that they know will be painful on fully conscious women. It’s comparable to torture. It makes me furious. I have a procedure coming up and I am so grateful that they will be putting me under GA!
Good for insisting they do that. We also used to circumcise little babies with no pain killers. I guess they thought babies didn't feel pain even though they were screaming. Humans are really unbelievable at times.
Love you! Fuck this American “health” care hellscape and fuck every Dr who dismisses our pain and every company who profits from and even encourages our unwellness! Also Bodily Autonomy for all!
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
As a male boomer, I am ashamed of my brethren who believe that birth control is the responsibility of the woman. I would've believed that by living through the age of social change, that they'd see things in a more enlightened way.
Unfortunately, too many of my generation have devolved into a red movement pushing for a return to 1950, before America lost a war, when women knew their place (and shut up about it), and the brown people stayed in their own neighborhoods. Cretins!
I have always used condoms and got a vasectomy as soon as I knew I didn't want to have children. (The planet doesn't need any more of us, IMHO.)
I cannot speak for others of my generation. I don't understand so many of them.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We must outlaw abortion . . . because Jesus needs more babies for his war machine . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/satanism-is-a-jewish-cult
oh hell, I also have to go get mine out soon uuuurgh
Most times it's over quickly without fuss. As one of my readers so cheerfully said " I still give my IUD a ten out of ten!" Me too!
Same (well in another year or two), and since getting it in was by far the worst pain I’ve ever had in my life, I’m very worried about getting it out.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We must outlaw abortion . . . because Jesus needs more babies for his war machine . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/satanism-is-a-jewish-cult
We need a culture change, and some of that starts with folks sharing these stories. I was conditioned to never mention women's issues to men, because I don't know- they'd be grossed out? I'm grossed out, too! Bodies are weird and that's okay. Anyway, in 2019 when my body ejected my IUD in theatrically bloody fashion, that conditioning worked against me big time. I asked my husband to drive me to the ER- and the only reason he took me was because I don't ever get medical treatment until things get terrible. Prior to that moment, he thought I was exaggerating about how bad things had gotten. I would demonstrate the size of the blood clots with my fist (they were that big!), but that meant nothing to him as a man who had come from a similar "don't share women's issues with men" upbringing. So yeah, fuck all of those old school teachings.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We must outlaw abortion . . . because Jesus needs more babies for his war machine . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/satanism-is-a-jewish-cult
Women’s Health Care is everyone’s responsibility. The fact society continues to treat women as second class citizens in 2023 makes me so GD mad. And in America it’s getting worse instead of better?!? And yes FUCK Columbus!
FUCK YOU AND YOUR JEWISH GOD . . . We can't afford healthcare for American children because we need to keep bombing everyone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
The older pagan sexual mores were much more conducive to the health of Nordic-Scandinavian societies, and much more supportive of women than those of the Jewish god Yahweh, the locust master, the one who drowned the world and demanded a witch be burned alive, or an adulteress be stoned to death . . .
FREAK INJECTION - Toxic [ BRITNEY SPEARS Cover ] (Official Video) | darkTunes Music Group . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ouUkckCjoE
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . . All men are born of a woman, married or not.
We must outlaw abortion . . . because Jesus needs more babies for his war machine . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/satanism-is-a-jewish-cult