Loved this piece,Neko...especially the part about the cats: I love cats! Your writing is so lush and beautiful,I get the best visuals while reading your cool stories.I hesitate to ask,but since you mentioned it,I have been homeless until recently...might be again.Haven't been able to get steady work in over a year but I keep applying.If you feel like it,I could use a few clothes,cat-related stuff,a set of curtains...they make any place I live feel like a home. I had all my stuff stolen while homeless,even the shoes I had on.Anything appreciated...I'm very grateful for any help.Glad I found you on and the few others here I follow make my days and nights much better...thanks for sharing your beautiful stories.💕
Thank you so much,Neko...I'm crying now but its happy.All that would be appreciated...the stuff with cats on them would make my year...I hope it won't cost you too much as you have your own bills to take care of! I've never DM'ed anyone before...could you tell me exactly how to do it? Thank you...💖
Yes,Neko...I just saw this.It must have gone through,the one where I gave you my address.Thank you for your help and taking time out of your busy schedule to send me much needed and very much appreciated things...💕💖
I am feeling the same late winter restlessness. The purge is definitely coming, but my itching has been my garden beds! I have so much to do. A last trellis to build, composting and fertilizing. I feel like I am “behind schedule”, but man!! It’s really hard to motivate yourself to work in the late winter Portland rain. Got some early seeds started in my little greenhouse; lettuces, kale, collards, onions and flowers. Nightshades will seed my birthday weekend end of March. This year feels like a turning point in so many ways. My last year in my 40’s is beginning, my ancient soul cat Dennis is 16 and starting to look thin and old, weird stuff happening in our country, contract negotiations at work (what is even happening with healthcare?!?). I’m trying to keep a healthy mind and body, but all I really want to do is eat trash and grow moss like my NW trees. I got to see you on the book tour, so that was really great! Thanks for writing. You really do give me pause for thought and reflection. Spring will be a welcome transition. We should all purge our homes and have a gigantic yard sale!!
I think it's so cool that you think of what others could use when you get rid of stuff. I don't "need" anything , I've cleared my house and it feels great, but I do have a weakness for rescuing discarded animal figures. So if you're thinking of tossing out some sad-eyed tchotchke, feel free to send them my way. Yes, I have a problem. Enable me. 👀
Thank you for this perfect way to begin my morning. We are also restless, feeling the shift in the angle of the sun, and the great need to purge.
I have 4 lovely but insane cats, going through the same thing.
I can hear little bits of bird song that I didn't hear a few weeks ago.
I so love your letters, thank-you for making the time. And of course, your music 🎶 which has changed my life over and over. You are so gifted and I am so appreciative I can hear your voice whenever I want.
I would love to see what you are purging, because somehow I envision beautiful things, which I need more of. I think I could handle postage, so post your things when able.
I appreciate how you share your vulnerability as well as your strength.
Wishing us all a peaceful day as our roots begin to grow deeper, and we are closer to emerging above the soil. All at the correct time.
Thanks for the morning reflection, Neko. Our cat doesn’t poop in the plants, but he does other weird shit with them. He’ll paw around the dirt like he’s looking for some small, very important object he swears he lost in there. We added pine cones to deter him, but he is clever and persistent.
We woke up in Tucson this morning, having flown in from Boston last night. We’re here for a few days of hiking in the desert, and to support, thank and over-thank any National Park staff we meet. They are now a major flank of the resistance. They never asked to be.
We give a lot of stuff away via our local buy-nothing group. So many people are in such need, and it feels good to help in a way that doesn’t require money changing hands. Last week we gave away our cold press coffee brewer even though it was 4 degrees out.
Oh man! Those pupper eyes just got a lil piece of my soul! (I have a CoCo too! Her name is actually Coee but all of our friends call her Coco.) Happy Cleaning! I need to get on some serious cleaning out myself but here in AL it’s warming up and all I can think about is cleaning out garden space! 😻
Hi Neko, just a note to say that I finished your book this morning at 4am (woke up at 3am, couldn't sleep), and I really loved it and have been letting it sink in all morning. Your final words were so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this out to the world!
Side note, I once 'shared' a bourbon with you in the artist area at a festival in KY. In a small circle of 4 people and I ***couldn't believe*** I was standing there with you, so I played it real cool and just didn't talk the whole time. Lol. A good memory for me though - cheers to you!
Three of my cats often launch themselves from atop the refrigerator. They are three of the four "Lowe's Kittens" that two lovely ladies I worked with there and I rescued back in 2018. They sometimes still seem half-feral without the wariness. I have had some real close calls, half-asleep with coffee mug in hand in the morning. I love them but I am with you - if I trip down the stairs when a needy cat (um, we have nine!) coils 'round my legs someone needs to give them a good talking to before they eat my face off. Just kidding - they already told me I don't taste very good 😆. Do you have a toaster oven you are giving away? I'll pay the shipping... or you can give it to my sister in South Hero... or the one in Winooski...
Frank in Knoxville, Maryland late of Vermont, and the weary world
Spent the weekend happily snowed in under 16" of late winter flakes in Evergreen, CO. Heavier and wet...not quite the sloppy oatmeal consistency of true spring snow, but perfect for snowballs/snow sculptures. Yesterday and today are in the upper 50's. The sun's glorious rays are melting the snow so quickly that it almost looks like a time lapse in real time. The sound of dripping and splashing is everywhere as are the excited calls of crows and magpies, soaking up the sun. Pygmy nuthatches occasionally punctuate the cacophony with their tinny 'meeps'.
Spring is coming as it always has. I look forward to opening up the house and blowing out the cobwebs (figuratively and literally). I'll put my head down and get to work, all while being herded by my own feline gauchos.
Hi Neko! not sure if you ll see this now & if anyone else has already expressed a need please don’t worry but I could cover the postage on the odd chance that you have extra copies of any good books. It’s not urgent though! ❤️
Loved this piece,Neko...especially the part about the cats: I love cats! Your writing is so lush and beautiful,I get the best visuals while reading your cool stories.I hesitate to ask,but since you mentioned it,I have been homeless until recently...might be again.Haven't been able to get steady work in over a year but I keep applying.If you feel like it,I could use a few clothes,cat-related stuff,a set of curtains...they make any place I live feel like a home. I had all my stuff stolen while homeless,even the shoes I had on.Anything appreciated...I'm very grateful for any help.Glad I found you on and the few others here I follow make my days and nights much better...thanks for sharing your beautiful stories.💕
I have things with cats on them AND curtains! DM me a message of where to send.
Thank you so much,Neko...I'm crying now but its happy.All that would be appreciated...the stuff with cats on them would make my year...I hope it won't cost you too much as you have your own bills to take care of! I've never DM'ed anyone before...could you tell me exactly how to do it? Thank you...💖
I sent you a DM that should show up in your email or somewhere on your substack app. Let me know if it comes through.
Yes,Neko...I just saw this.It must have gone through,the one where I gave you my address.Thank you for your help and taking time out of your busy schedule to send me much needed and very much appreciated things...💕💖
And if theres anything else you need, I likely have it. :)
I think we should all try to be a little more Diane xx
Beautiful post, and that is one gorgeous doggo!
Amen to that. XO
I am feeling the same late winter restlessness. The purge is definitely coming, but my itching has been my garden beds! I have so much to do. A last trellis to build, composting and fertilizing. I feel like I am “behind schedule”, but man!! It’s really hard to motivate yourself to work in the late winter Portland rain. Got some early seeds started in my little greenhouse; lettuces, kale, collards, onions and flowers. Nightshades will seed my birthday weekend end of March. This year feels like a turning point in so many ways. My last year in my 40’s is beginning, my ancient soul cat Dennis is 16 and starting to look thin and old, weird stuff happening in our country, contract negotiations at work (what is even happening with healthcare?!?). I’m trying to keep a healthy mind and body, but all I really want to do is eat trash and grow moss like my NW trees. I got to see you on the book tour, so that was really great! Thanks for writing. You really do give me pause for thought and reflection. Spring will be a welcome transition. We should all purge our homes and have a gigantic yard sale!!
Right? I wish we could all be in one physical place and celebrate at a yard sale where we basically give things away. How fun would that be?
A yard sale swap meet would be so much fun! All I really have to offer in trade are some cool rocks I've found over the years.
I collect shiny rocks, too! Like a magpie or crow, I guess...I can't help it.
It would be awesome! Picnic foods, bring your dog, lay in the grass, take our stuff!!
Just beautiful. Thank you. Totally in sync with your cleaning out vibe. Happy cleaning! xox
I think it's so cool that you think of what others could use when you get rid of stuff. I don't "need" anything , I've cleared my house and it feels great, but I do have a weakness for rescuing discarded animal figures. So if you're thinking of tossing out some sad-eyed tchotchke, feel free to send them my way. Yes, I have a problem. Enable me. 👀
The animal tchotchke struggle is real....
So real. Their little faces kill me.
Just a heads up, I have no NC band tshirts at home. So if you ask for those I no have.
Thank you for this perfect way to begin my morning. We are also restless, feeling the shift in the angle of the sun, and the great need to purge.
I have 4 lovely but insane cats, going through the same thing.
I can hear little bits of bird song that I didn't hear a few weeks ago.
I so love your letters, thank-you for making the time. And of course, your music 🎶 which has changed my life over and over. You are so gifted and I am so appreciative I can hear your voice whenever I want.
I would love to see what you are purging, because somehow I envision beautiful things, which I need more of. I think I could handle postage, so post your things when able.
I appreciate how you share your vulnerability as well as your strength.
Wishing us all a peaceful day as our roots begin to grow deeper, and we are closer to emerging above the soil. All at the correct time.
Thank you one more time
There are too many things to list so you'd have to request something in the ballpark of what you'd want?
Thanks for the morning reflection, Neko. Our cat doesn’t poop in the plants, but he does other weird shit with them. He’ll paw around the dirt like he’s looking for some small, very important object he swears he lost in there. We added pine cones to deter him, but he is clever and persistent.
We woke up in Tucson this morning, having flown in from Boston last night. We’re here for a few days of hiking in the desert, and to support, thank and over-thank any National Park staff we meet. They are now a major flank of the resistance. They never asked to be.
We give a lot of stuff away via our local buy-nothing group. So many people are in such need, and it feels good to help in a way that doesn’t require money changing hands. Last week we gave away our cold press coffee brewer even though it was 4 degrees out.
Yaaas! Fellow Virgo on purge pause as we care for neighbor Janet’s dog, Cinder. The trade-off of having a dog to walk again is worth it.
Oh man! Those pupper eyes just got a lil piece of my soul! (I have a CoCo too! Her name is actually Coee but all of our friends call her Coco.) Happy Cleaning! I need to get on some serious cleaning out myself but here in AL it’s warming up and all I can think about is cleaning out garden space! 😻
Hi Neko, just a note to say that I finished your book this morning at 4am (woke up at 3am, couldn't sleep), and I really loved it and have been letting it sink in all morning. Your final words were so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this out to the world!
Side note, I once 'shared' a bourbon with you in the artist area at a festival in KY. In a small circle of 4 people and I ***couldn't believe*** I was standing there with you, so I played it real cool and just didn't talk the whole time. Lol. A good memory for me though - cheers to you!
Three of my cats often launch themselves from atop the refrigerator. They are three of the four "Lowe's Kittens" that two lovely ladies I worked with there and I rescued back in 2018. They sometimes still seem half-feral without the wariness. I have had some real close calls, half-asleep with coffee mug in hand in the morning. I love them but I am with you - if I trip down the stairs when a needy cat (um, we have nine!) coils 'round my legs someone needs to give them a good talking to before they eat my face off. Just kidding - they already told me I don't taste very good 😆. Do you have a toaster oven you are giving away? I'll pay the shipping... or you can give it to my sister in South Hero... or the one in Winooski...
Frank in Knoxville, Maryland late of Vermont, and the weary world
Spent the weekend happily snowed in under 16" of late winter flakes in Evergreen, CO. Heavier and wet...not quite the sloppy oatmeal consistency of true spring snow, but perfect for snowballs/snow sculptures. Yesterday and today are in the upper 50's. The sun's glorious rays are melting the snow so quickly that it almost looks like a time lapse in real time. The sound of dripping and splashing is everywhere as are the excited calls of crows and magpies, soaking up the sun. Pygmy nuthatches occasionally punctuate the cacophony with their tinny 'meeps'.
Spring is coming as it always has. I look forward to opening up the house and blowing out the cobwebs (figuratively and literally). I'll put my head down and get to work, all while being herded by my own feline gauchos.
Thank you for all you have given me, your music, book, and writing. It fills up my heart and soul.
Hi Neko! not sure if you ll see this now & if anyone else has already expressed a need please don’t worry but I could cover the postage on the odd chance that you have extra copies of any good books. It’s not urgent though! ❤️
OMG this dog is adorable, I wish I could boop the snoot!