Hi, Neko! I so appreciate your asking readers what we would like to read more of. Personally, I have no judgement or desires with regard to what you want to share. I am always bowled over by your keen eye, ability to observe, and your self-awareness. You give much of yourself here, as you do in your music and I'll gladly take it in any shape or form. Plus, I think you post often enough. I see it in my email and I don't often read it right away and it makes me feel a little bad because you put in the effort and I feel I should respond to it, always and soon. Anyway, I just want to express I thoroughly enjoy reading your lovely and thoughtful words as you observe life and allow us to glimpse into the life of a rock musician.

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Your posts remind me of the good old days of LiveJournal - just hearing about people's day cool discoveries and everyone supporting each other in their endeavors. I can't ever repay what your music has done for me, and I'm sure plenty of other folks feel the same. Happy to help support your work in the way that helps you the most. :)

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Neko Case

"...as slick as goose poo". Oh how I miss you, mate... 😁❤️

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Your blog and Nick Cave's Red Hand Files are the best things the internet has to offer. Social media at it's best. During the pandemic I made new friends through music and social media and I think it stopped me a bit from going nuts. So, yeah... I try to pick out the good stuff in social media and try to ignore the rest. Let the fools "scream" at each other online, without me having to know about it.

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I also love Nick Cave’s emails. So thoughtful and he touches on what really matters.

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You are an authentic beautiful being. We all benefit from your many talents. You aren’t a trick pony but an artist. I

Am grateful for what you choose to share and write. People should support artists period. Without expectations.

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If it’s any comfort, I think you’ve done a great job adding new content to this Substack — especially given how busy your schedule is. I always enjoy reading your thoughts and seeing the world through your eyes here.

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It would be wonderful to read whatever you want to write, whenever you want to write it. I'd rather read something you wanted to write because it was meaningful to you than something you wrote because some folks felt they weren't getting their money's worth.

As a paid subscriber, I'd welcome to opportunity to donate to a Patreon or some other financial support, to give you the freedom to decide what YOU want to say, when you want to say it.

It's too bad there's not a "pay it forward" fund so folks who can afford it could buy two subscriptions and gift one to someone who has trouble affording it.

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I love your farm/garden/animal/Vermont writing and photos; (Neko Case: one of us, haha) but also I’d be interested in hearing more on your writing process; (music, lyrics, book whatever you like) what that looks like and how you stay motivated creatively without burning yourself out?

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Thank you for sharing on this platform, Neko. I enjoy reading how you make sense of that which is important and wondrous to you, what you're appreciating and finding beautiful and/or poignant, what keeps you going and gives you glimmers of hope, to name just a few. I loved you first as a musician, and now as a deeply interesting and interested human. You are resonant with me and many others and it's nice to be able to commune a bit with you in this space.

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Hi Neko! Is there a chance of you coming to Europe when the New Pornographers come to Europe?

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I always love reading about your musings on your farm, honestly. I’m an outdoorsy person at heart, but live in the city of Chicago. You have such a lovely way of describing the nature that surrounds you where ever you go, but the farm in particular and your observations of nature really strike a chord in my heart.

I also love hearing you talk about the reality of making art for a living. I think all creatives breathe a sigh of relief when we see that even artists who have have a storied career with successes, still have imposter syndrome, Still have barriers to over come (internal and external), and still have to go home and clean out their barn. It’s very grounding but also relatable.

And lastly I love the vulnerability you provide. Truly it is the thing that really brings me back to your newsletter. When it arrives in my inbox I save it till I have a breezy spot on my deck and a mug of coffee so I can give it my focus and savor it. You have a gift at writing things that are so visual that I can smell what you are describing 🤣 Whatever you are writing about it has the tendency to spark my own train of thought before I walk into the studio. And honestly, the sporadic nature of it is what I love. I find when newsletters start to operate on a schedule, they begin to feel obligatory and far less conversational. And I find myself letting them pile up.

Thanks for letting us be here with you. It is one of my favorite cozy corners of the internet.

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Spider haired wise women in a barn is the content I like! the joy i get when I see these reminds of the time when I used to chat to people more. I was noticing my need for affirmation had been growing and i thought I might get a chapter in the DSM to myself, but it seems I am not Robinson Crusoe when it comes to anxious poor attachment nervous replies.

Luckily spiders in the hair ground me and invite self care, love your writing in every form and long may you shine.

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As a fan for over 20 years, I appreciate hearing the inner thought process and florid descriptions of your environs - where ever you happen to be. I too have a metric f-ton of spiders hatching around my place in Burien, and often end up up with the same spider hairnet so I can relate. Enjoy your time home-home!

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We have a spider cup (that does whatever a spider-cup can) we use to relocate the wayward. I've even had a few students rescue spiders in the classroom to protect them from the boot. It makes my heart smile when I see that.

I've bumped my subscription, Neko, to help with those who've moved on, and because I find value in what you share with us. BTW, every time you post a "music feels..." entry, I end up buying more music. Thanks for the shares... all of them.

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Although there is a web of tree lined boulevards here in Guadalajara, and I’ve created an atrium that attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, I love reading your entries sprinkled with your observations of surrounding nature. I miss that, and reading those entries transports me away from the automobile noise, train horns, and barking dogs for a few delicious minutes.

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Thanks for your dispatches, Neko!Using one’s own creative muscle is also necessary, for risk of losing it (or digging it out from under hardened layers of complacency, after long periods of disuse and couching) and that’s one big reason I’m here. Your tales fuel inspiration and also remind me of the beauty that exists in nature, that I don’t often have an opp to see for myself on the reg.

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