I figured I’d walk right back into my life easily post-Florida visit and 3.5 week tour. Nope. My body is hitched up and sore. How do I never learn this? It’s amazing how beat up you can feel from traveling even if you DO yoga every day and train for it. It’s the worry, I suppose. The reminder of the lack of control you have when you work away from home.
Happily, the dogs and cats still remember me, the horses are happy and Chet is his old self again; a pain-in-the-ass, loveable clown. Phew! It was touch and go there for a while! And any second now I will have a wind-burn over the sunburn on my lips and I will have come full circle.
I’m only home for a few days and I think my body knows it. It won’t relax. It knows what I won’t face; I’m about to start the hardest work of my life, in fact I’ve already started. Things that delight me about home seem irritating or don’t catch my eye. There are so many things that require my attention that I can’t help. Tour bus living was simpler, though when I was there I wanted to be able to use any extra minutes fixing or finishing something not at hand. I have a busy mind. It’s bossy.
How do you put down the “busy” and begin to untangle the Gordian knot of your life?
Oh that knot, the not gonna do it knots! They remind me of the adversarial feelings of blackberry thickets when I was a gardener in Seattle. Me. A pair of loppers and a hillside of never ending thorny canes. Honestly, sometimes I thought a can of gasoline and a flame thrower was THE way. But critters live in the thickets so I'd take it chunk by chunk, walking away when I was bloodied enough and take a break and come back, repeating that process. But those blackberries NEVER die. So very much like the mind, the knots of life maybe. So I take breaks and play with dogs, drink water, look at the bigger picture, take a breath and return when ready. And always wear leather gloves and long sleeves!