You're a wondrous thing, Ms. Case. You remind me why we have artists: so they can be more sensitive than other people, and write stuff like this.

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Back at you, Cintra. XO

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Just to notice the color purple in the field is itself a wondrous thing

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I didn’t know that was chicory, or that it grew up here like that. Now my next step is to run to YouTube to find videos on growing it and making your own chicory coffee from plant to cup, cause THAT would be awesome!

ETA: Found a video on YT called Chicory Coffee From Landscape to Mug from David Canterbury if anyone else is interested. 🙂 Informative, and a simple process.

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Beautiful writing Neko. The birds. The birds are wondrous to me.

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We live on a large lake and we get the most amazing sunsets a few times each week. I lived in San Diego for a long time and sunsets are a big deal there. You drive in traffic and then have to park and carry your chairs a good distance just to watch the sunset in the ocean. But its worth it, because the sunsets are magnificent! And if its a really great one you may see “The Green Flash” which is a really intense green dot that seems to pop up at the moment the sun dips below the water line. Now, having sunsets better than any I saw in my 30 years in San Diego happening right outside my house at least once a week, well, T**** doesnt have that and he cant take it from me.

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Beautiful, I had no idea those blue ditch-flowers were chicory. Until now, this paragraph from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (which I've read 20 times or more in the past 40 years) was my whole relationship with chicory:

"There was a special Nolan idea about the coffee. It was their one great luxury. Mama made a

big potful each morning and reheated it for dinner and supper and it got stronger as the day

wore on. It was an awful lot of water and very little coffee but mama put a lump of chicory in it

which made it taste strong and bitter. Each one was allowed three cups a day with milk. Other

times you could help yourself to a cup of black coffee anytime you felt like it. Sometimes when

you had nothing at all and it was raining and you were alone in the flat, it was wonderful to know

that you could have something even though it was only a cup of black and bitter coffee."

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Birds! So fragile and yet capable of feats we can never master.

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Love this and thank you Neko. Just coincidentally seeing an ancient friend this upcoming week and I think the timing is good. Men need friends, too. In fact, we'd be better partners, citizens, and people if we took the time to cultivate these precious relationships.

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The tenacity and beauty of lichen speaks to me!

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What has my back is the wondrous and imaginative creative capacity of art. All manner of art and the bliss it drenches one's soul within.

Especially when I temporarily stumble into an unmade or self made pile of misery... Some flowering vine gets tossed for me to grasp and pull myself out.

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Agapanthus are like this for me. Native to South Africa, they grow as defiantly on traffic medians as they do in gardens where I live, in Oakland, CA. They are tough and showy and common and I adore them.

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I am living in the house my Grandparents built…. Many varieties of birds nest in the eaves of the outbuildings, and in the trees around the property… I often think I have met their ancestors when I was a child, or perhaps my mother, or my grandmother even… from 86 years ago, and onward….

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I get the same feeling in late summer from goldenrod....it lets me know that the seasons are changing but it's seed clusters remind me that it's all part of the cycle.

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Today was the fiery orange-red sunrise after so many days of fog.

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My library

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As I often say, all the gold is free. #canyougetwiththat #obviouslyyoucan ❤️

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